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Research & Publications

USICH Framework to End Youth Homelessness. US Interagency Council on Homelessness (February 2013).

Towards a National Housing Strategy. Hollywood Homeless Youth Partnership (January 2013).

Measuring Success in Housing Programs for Homeless Youth: The Need for Youth-Specific Performance Measures. Hollywood Homeless Youth Partnership (January 2013).

The Economic Well-Being of LGB Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (January 2013).

Unheard and Unseen: A Narrative Study of African American Adolescents Experiencing Homelessness. Addie Ellis, Drexel University (December 2012).

Alone Without a Home: A State-By-State Review of Laws Affecting Unaccompanied Youth. National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty and National Network for Youth (September 2012).

Sexual Exploitation and Homeless Youth in California: What Policymakers Need to Know. California Homeless Youth Project (April 2012).

A Family Intervention to Reduce Sexual Risk Behavior, Substance Use, and Delinquency Among Newly Homeless Youth. Milburn, N., Journal of Adolescent Health (April 2012).

Youth Count Media Map. National Alliance to End Homelessness (April 2012).

LGBTQ Youth National Policy Statement. National Alliance to End Homelessness (April 2012).

Characteristics of Homeless Youth Who Use Cocaine and Methamphetamine. Nyamathi, A., et al, The American Journal on Addictions (April 2012).

An Emerging Framework for Ending Unaccompanied Youth Homelessness. National Alliance to End Homelessness (March 2012).

Youth in Crisis: Characteristics of 18-21 Year Olds Served by Covenant House Washington, DC’s Crisis Center. Covenant House (February 2012).

Too Big to Ignore: Two Years Later. John Burton Foundation for Children without Homes & California Coalition for Youth (February 2012).

America's Youngest Outcasts 2010. The National Center on Family Homelessness (December 2011).

Young Adult Outcomes of Youth Exiting Dependent or Delinquent Care in Los Angeles County. Dennis Culhane et al, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. (November 2011).

Maine's Plan to End and Prevent Homelessness. Statewide Homeless Council and Regional Homeless Councils (November 2011).

Improving Federal Collaboration for Homeless Children and Youth. National Center on Family Homelessness, et al. (November 2011).

The Heterogeneity of Homeless Youth in America: Examining Typologies. Paul Toro et al, National Alliance to End Homelessness (September 2011).

The Runaway Youth Longitudinal Study. Jennifer Benoit-Bryan, National Runaway Switchboard (September 2011).

Plan to End Youth Homelessness in Calgary. Calgary Homeless Foundation (June 2011).

Realizing the Promise of AB12: Recommendations for Improving Higher Education Outcomes for Foster Youth. John Burton Foundation for Children Without Homes (April 2011).

Family Matters: Homeless Youth & Eva's Initiative's Family Reconnect Program. Daphne Winland et al, The Homeless Hub (April 2011).

California Emergency Youth Shelters: Ensuring Services to Better Protect and Serve Homeless Youth. California Coalition for Youth (March 2011).

Struggling to Survive: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning Youth on the Streets of California. Shahera Hyatt, California Homeless Youth Project (March 2011).

Programs Serving California's Homeless Youth: Results of Point-in-Time Survey. California Homeless Youth Project (January 2011).

Youth Homelessness in San Francisco: 2011 Report on Incidence and Needs. Larkin Street Youth Services (2011). You must create a free account to download this document.

Policy Brief: Promising Partnerships between Public Child Welfare Agencies and Homeless Youth Service Providers. John Burton Foundation for Children without Homes (December 2010).

A National Picture of Youth Homelessness: Characteristics of Youth Served by Covenant House in the United States. Covenant House Institute (October 2010).

Youth Homelessness in San Francisco: 2010 Report on Incidence and Needs. Larkin Street Youth Services (2010). You must create a free account to download this document.

Too Big to Ignore: Youth Homelessness in California. John Burton Foundation for Children without Homes & California Coalition for Youth (November 2009).

Homeless Children and Youth: Causes and Consequences. Yumiko Aratani, Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health. National Center for Children in Poverty (September 2009).

Homeless Youth: Bibliography and Resources. Lisa K. Foster (CRB-08-010, July 2008).

Voices from the Street: A Survey of Homeless Youth by Their Peers. Nell Bernstein and Lisa K. Foster (CRB-08-004, March 2008).

The Educational Success of Homeless Youth in California: Challenges and Solutions. Patricia F. Julianelle, JD (CRB-07-012, October 2007).

Promising Strategies to End Youth Homelessness (Report to Congress). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2007).

How Much Does the Federal Government Spend on Homelessness? National Alliance to End Homelessness (October 2006).

Fundamental Issues to Prevent and End Youth Homelessness. National Alliance to End Homelessness (May 2006).

Challenges Faced by Homeless Sexual Minorities: Comparison of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Homeless Adolescents and Their Heterosexual Counterparts. B.N. Cochran, A.J. Stewart, J.A. Ginzler, & A.M. Cauce (2002). American Journal of Public Health, 92(5), 773-777.

Predictors of Homelessness Among Families in New York City: From Shelter Request to Housing Stability. M. Shin, B.C. Weitzman, D. Stojanovic, J.R. Knickman, L. Jimenez, L. Duchon, et al. (1998). American Journal of Public Health, 88 (11), 1561–1657.

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